Who Are You, Really?

Lynnda Pollio
4 min readJul 5, 2022


I am compelled to share a channeling I received a couple of days ago, which rushed out of me in five minutes. I shared it with a couple of friends right away as I felt moved to do, but now it keeps nagging me to offer it to others who might resonate. Channeling always makes me vulnerable and uncomfortable. It won’t be for everyone, and I hope it makes sense, but I believe those who it is meant for might need its meaning at this time.

I’ve been channeling since I was a child, communicating to something that seemed not me, an energy wiser, compassionate and more knowing. At first, I thought everyone did this but as I shared these experiences with family and friends, I began to realize that it was not normal, and not acceptable. Because of the doubt and ridicule encountered, I learned to keep quiet. I never heard an actual voice, except when I was writing my inspirational novel, Trusting the Currents. Addie Mae was clearly a Southern, African American woman who has taken me on the ride of my life.

Mostly, these channelings feel more like visceral transmissions that come from somewhere deep within me. I receive all sorts of information, sometimes for me, sometimes for others and often about where we are heading as a collective. They arrive fast and clear but fleeting, so I learned if I wanted to capture them, I must write them down immediately. They occur more like an imprint of knowledge than a linear string of information. Sometimes I see images and colors. I can’t call them to me. They just happen. And I can listen or not. This time, I listened. So, here we go.

“There is no beginning or end. It is always the middle of something. It is only your own sense of knowing that creates the false comparisons of beginning and end. The linear movement of time and space is not real. You are always here. You are always you. The you that you hate. The you that you occasionally, but not often enough, love. You are many aspects of the One that is always you, unchanging. When you slow down, calm down, we are here. We will listen. There is no talking back or leaving breadcrumbs or signs. You will feel us, all of us, all of you in one moment, then the next, then not at all.

Do not wish for anything else but what you are. Because it is you becoming the next thing you will be in this life or the next life. Seek comfort, we understand its needs to you. But know that the struggle is not failure. It is illumination. The time is coming for everyone on this planet to experience their illumination. To see themselves as more than they ever expected. It has nothing to do with you except that which you take for yourself to learn. Leave the rest for someone else. You are not cursed. You are not possessed. You are beautiful and brave and chose a most strenuous but compassionate path.

God is always there with you, in little pieces. Some as people, some as thoughts, some ideas and plans and hopes. There is nothing more for you to do than seek the truth that is holding you back from remembering your true self. The pain you feel is not yours yet you have taken it on to heal it. But you have gotten caught in believing it was yours and that healing was to be sought out. Love yourself with all your worries and fears and supposed failure.

You are the One and we have told you this many times before that you are the One. Everyone is the One. Each human being is the One of their existence. When they see this truth, they will see that only the inner journey matters to this life. The remainder is comfort of the physical form. Yes, you can heal and help the physical form but it is not you and you will take nothing of it with you when you leave. What you will take is the understandings and illuminations of your soul during your time here, the growth of your spirit, and lessons of your heart. These will forge the foundation of your next journey. So, please do not fear the suffering or hold it in contempt of your life for it is offering a glimpse into what you will become because of its presence. There is more happening in the experience of suffering than humans understand. To suffer is to grow. To grow is to become more than you have ever been throughout time. Those who suffer are moving faster through their growth.

We see you. We know this is difficult to believe. We are aware how your world treats the suffering but we ask for your patience and trust. You are all so much more than your small lives. You are a part of a universe of unlimited experience. This life is merely one of these experiences. Please be gentle with yourself and others. Spend more time here with us, deep inside your own consciousness. We cannot interfere with your choices in the outside world. But we can nudge you here. This quiet place within you holds all you need to understand. And it always awaits your presence. Love is yours. We will not let you fall.”



Lynnda Pollio
Lynnda Pollio

Written by Lynnda Pollio

Consciousness Doula at WisdomKeeeping. Awakener of subltle realms. Author of Trusting the Currents, multi-award winning inspirational novel.

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