Over the Rainbow
Not long ago someone asked me a question on a LinkedIn post about the “structure” of being heart centered. I answered that it all begins with a conversation. That question keeps calling me.
Simply, being heart centered is being human focused. Right now, we live in a world where our institutions are at the center: government, religion and corporations. So, regulations, politics and policies are designed to support and nurture them, not human beings. Humans have become a food source, expendable when they no longer serve institutions. With governmental blessing, insurance companies deny coverage to those who have been paying for their services for years. Food and pharmaceutical companies knowingly sell products that are a detriment to human life. Technology has the capacity to inform and transform lives. Historically, we are granted technology that appeases, entertains and distracts so that we forgive the technology that controls and damages us.
Everyone exists to support corporate personage and not the other way around. Our culture has been built on the empowerment of institutions, not people. Even our education system simply prepares students to serve these systems. This worked for a while as enough people were able to financially thrive and be convinced that the accumulation of stuff is what mattered. Their emotional, physical and spiritual needs were insignificant, ignored. Anyone who was hurt by this way of life was a burden.
Maybe if our culture was somehow still healthy, we could continue. We could close our eyes to the suffering in the world and in our own families and communities, because at least for now, we are safe. But the culture is not healthy, and it could never be sustainable when the needs of the few are met at the expense of the many. Eventually, no matter where you are in the food chain, as the world collapses, you will become one of the many.
Partly, it’s a natural cycle. Civilizations have collapsed before, often for the same reasons. Whether you believe in climate change or not, it doesn’t matter. The planet is also changing on its own, as is the universe. We are just a miniscule factor in this incomprehensible living system. We must become better inter-connected and aware so that we can adapt to both the inevitable and man-made threats. When we become too much of a problem here, the earth will shake us off like pesky fleas. Problem solved. If we support the earth completely, she will save us.
So far, we sit at the precipice with eyes closed, hoping we will somehow survive. Maybe “I” will be fine if I become more important, make more money, or build a gun protected shelter filled with toilet paper. But at what expense? People are lonely, angry, and fearful. Children are committing suicide. The specter of death permeates our world. Transformation is begging us to heed. Where are the true, visionary leaders guiding us with heart, word and action?
None of this mess will be cured by our authorities or institutions. They have a stake in the disruption of humanity. It will begin to turn when we realize that we humans matter more than the corporations we work for. When we grasp that we actually have the power to reduce the misery in the world by looking at each other with fresh eyes and vulnerable hearts, recognizing that the people you distrust are actually more like you than those who are coaxing you to hate them. Maybe it’s time for us to lead ourselves, begin to build what we cannot yet see. It would be beautiful if corporations became our advocates and allies. Imagine the renaissance if we stepped into the unknown together to see what’s there, instead of fighting about it.
We are going to die, every single one of us. The way most of us die now is cold and heartless and largely devoid of spirit. Once we remember how brief our visit is on this planet, really look inside ourselves for the reason of our own unhappiness and fear, we begin to shift the world one “aha” moment at a time. At first it will be painful and scary because so much ancestral and childhood trauma is trapped within.
If you spend time inside your inner universe, and connect with others who are also exploring theirs, the unconscious trauma emerges and eases. You will suddenly see yourself and everyone else in a bright new light. Waiting for the right questions becomes more important than finding easy answers. You will want to become a better human, and help the rest of us become better humans through sharing your experience. It’s a profoundly happier and exulted existence, even with its imminent struggles.
We will not change what is but we can create what will be. This is a call you will hear more and more. All meaningful change begins in knowing who you really are, trusting yourself and someone else, however imperfect they may be, and beginning uncomfortable conversations with an open mind. Understand that what you believe might not be the truth. When you bring your heart into the equation, tolerance, compassion and empathy follow. As does self-awareness, and yes, self-love.
As we head into 2023, we will fall deeper into our global transformation. More of our beliefs, institutions and systems will fail. We will confront serious flaws in the way we exist as individuals and as a whole. There will be increased discord and fear. How will you respond? The sooner we realize that little from our past will resolve our future, the sooner we can begin to shift our trajectory.
The solutions are beyond our present level of collective consciousness. It requires each of us to break free of our individual states of cultural conditioning and discover we are making a quantum leap into a new life system. Much of how we currently think and operate will not apply. Just as the advent of digital technologies expanded the consciousness of what we believed to be possible, so will our emerging human and frequency technologies deliver us beyond our current state of affairs.
How do you crack open the egg of consciousness within yourself to see what is possible? And if you are already experiencing a shift in your perceptions, identity and beliefs, finding no support, where do you go? The heart, our most vulnerable place, holds the key. It is the technology that connects us to everything else on our planet, each other, all species, and the yet unseen worlds of spirit. It also holds innate knowledge of our evolution.
Once you are able to burst through a calcified consciousness, you will find questions you didn’t even know existed waiting to be examined. You will find others, full of ideas, passion and vision possessing the same thoughts and dreams as you. These solutions cannot be seen from an old perch. A leap towards what might be must be made.
It all begins with intention. We won’t solve all the world’s problems overnight, maybe never, but together we can hold the intention to do better, to make sacrifices for a happier and healthier future for everyone; to change ourselves because we understand that we each play a role in this crazy life story. Intention is a human technology. When action is applied, particularly if the energy is channeled through the frequency of the heart, anything is possible.
This might all sound airy fairy, an unreachable dream, particularly for those mired in the problem. Yet, every great metamorphosis in our human history began with a shift in consciousness that few could see.
We don’t need everyone. We just need more people dreaming the dream.